Who can claim?
The definition of the Act describes a surviving spouse as follows:
“survivor means the surviving spouse in a marriage dissolved by death.”
What can be claimed?
Section 2(1) of the Act determines as follows:
“If a marriage is dissolved by death after the commencement of this Act the survivor shall have a claim against the estate of the deceased spouse for the provision of her reasonable maintenance needs until her death or remarriage in so far as she is not able to provide therefor from her own means and earnings.
What is the definition of own means?
“own means” include any money or property or other financial benefit accruing to the survivor in terms of the matrimonial property law or the law of succession or otherwise at the death of the deceased spouse.”
What is reasonable maintenance means?
Section 3 of the Act determines as follows:
“Determination of reasonable maintenance needs – In the determination of the reasonable maintenance needs of the survivor, the following factors shall be taken into account in addition to any other factor which should be taken into account:
The executor of the deceased estate has to take the requirements above into account when determining the amount of the claim against the estate.
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