Who exactly needs an energy performance certificate?

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Only one year left for buildings to comply…

Energy Performance Certificates are now mandatory for certain commercial and non-residential buildings (eg. schools, offices, shopping centres and entertainment facilities) with a net floor area of over 2000sqm and for government buildings of over 1000sqm.  This was recently published in the Regulations to the National Energy Act, 84 of 1998, giving building owners one year to get their certificates in place to ensure compliance by 8 December 2022.

What is energy performance?

In terms of the Act, “energy performance” is defined as net energy consumed in kilowatt hours per square meter per year (kWh/m²/a) to meet the different needs associated with the use of a building, which may include, heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting.

What is an energy performance certificate?

The energy performance certificate (EPC) refers to a certificate issued by an accredited body in respect of a building in accordance with the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI).  Once issued, the EPC is valid for a period of 5 years.

What is it’s purpose?

The purpose of the EPC is to indicate the energy performance of the building.  In other words, data is gathered measuring the consumption of the building, forcing building owners to be more aware of the energy demands of the building.  An assessment is carried out to identify which energy efficiency measures can be introduced.

What is the criteria for compliance?

To be compliant, the EPC must be displayed at the building entrance.  A “D-rating” indicates basic compliance with the energy efficiency component of the national building regulations.  An “A-rating” is what building owners should aim for.

The EPC gives the building owner an idea of what needs to be done to improve the rating in the future.   EPC’s will also be used to achieve a higher market value through improved energy performance when properties are sold.

Although this may seem like just another “money making” certificate and extra red tape for building owners, EPC’s will make a difference in reducing the electricity demand on the national grid and thereby help reduce the need for load-shedding.

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