Buying a property, especially if it is your first home, is often an emotional and stressful experience. We have identified the top tips in making the […]
During Season 4 of Modern Family, viewers sat in stitches watching as Cam and Claire tried their luck in house flipping, where a property is bought with the sole purpose of improving it […]
It is always exciting for prospective buyers to start house hunting and find that perfect property or dream home. However, signing to purchase a property is […]
On Thursday 07 May 2020 the Minister of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs issued directions in terms of section 27(2)(f) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 […]
One of the grey areas in rental and sales agreements is the question whether certain fixtures to properties are regarded as part of the immovable property […]
During 2018, the African National Congress (ANC) announced its intention to drastically speed up the land reform process in South Africa when President Cyril Ramaphosa announced […]
Losing a partner or a spouse is traumatic enough but being unprepared for the practical financial realities of death can make it all the more devastating. […]
In terms of the Estate Agency Affairs Board’s Code of Conduct, an estate agent is compelled to disclose all facts which are, or should reasonably be, […]
As a constitutional right, everyone should have access to clean water. Even during a water crisis. In cases where there is a signed agreement between a […]
What is co-ownership? Co-ownership is when one or more people jointly own the same property. In essence, it is when they legally share ownership without dividing […]
The transfer process can take up to three-months, sometimes longer. There are different steps involved in the transfer of a property, these include: Instruction. A conveyancer […]
If someone gets something of theirs stolen, they might be tempted to go take it back, by force if necessary. However, that would be considered illegal […]
When deciding whether to become an Airbnb host, it’s important for you to understand how the laws work in your city. According to Brett Herron, the mayoral […]
The provincial heritage resources authority (PHRA) granted a permit in terms of Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 for the demolition […]
When it comes to sectional title schemes, there is still widespread misunderstanding of even the basics, starting with the body corporate and how it is established, […]
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